1-Hour Website Class

Welcome to my course at Norwalk Community College on how to set up a website at WordPress.com in just 1 hour.

Shortcut: www.1hrsite.com

WordPress Transp logo_500x500Here are some materials that you might find useful:

Here is a survey so that we can get to know each other:

I am looking forward to seeing some nice looking websites!

— Rich Malloy, Tech Help Today

Training Materials:

Session 1 Links:


Session 2 Files:

Other Files:

  • Beach Header Image:beach-chairs-1200px
  • Hotel Room Header Image:
  • Nantucket Harbor Lighthouse:

Nantucket Harbor Lighthouse

  • Waterside image 1:
  • Pool image 1:
  • Beach image 2:
  • Marina image 3:

Extra Session Files:


Advanced WordPress

Creating a WordPress.org Site

In this special course, we will learn how to create and edit a WordPress.org site.

Slide Show file: Slideshow-Advan WordPress.pdf