
New Class: Create a Budget with Excel

A budget is probably the most important spreadsheet you can create. A good budget will keep you focused on your ultimate financial goal and help you avoid pitfalls like that adorable timeshare in Aruba. Budgets are also surprisingly popular among rich people, which may partially explain how they became rich.

pexels-photo-259027In this class, we are going to set up two valuable spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel for Windows. First, there’s the all-important budget, but then we are also going to set up an equally valuable ledger to keep track of expenses. In creating these two spreadsheets, we’ll be taking advantage of some of the amazing and powerful features of Excel.

The 90-minute hands-on class will be taught by Rich Malloy and will meet at the Greenwich Public Library on Tuesday, April 24 at 2 pm. All are welcome, but some familiarity with Excel will make the session more rewarding.

For more information, click here.


Advanced Excel Class

As part of its Extended Studies division, Norwalk Community College is again offering an Advanced Excel class taught by Rich Malloy. Most people who use Microsoft Excel are familiar with only a few features of this amazingly powerful application. In this hands-on course, students will learn how to use the more robust features of this vitally important business tool.

The logo for Excel 2016 from Microsoft

The course includes a review of Excel’s database features such as Pivot Tables along with the powerful Lookup functions. Students will then learn how to automate data input with Data Validation, how to check formulas with auditing tools, how to use Excel’s new tables and slicers, and how to take advantage of the power of macros and the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language.

The four-session course will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6 pm to 9 pm. The first session is scheduled to start on March 21. Tuition is just $229. Go to to sign up, or visit the campus (directions). The CRN number for the course is: 4644.

1-Hour Website Course: Feb. 28

The next session of my 1-Hour Website mini-course will start on Wednesday, Feb. 28.
WordPress Transp is the fastest and least expensive way to get a professional looking website up and running. No programming language is involved. Join thousands of photographers, bloggers and  small businesses creating new WordPress sites each day. In this hands-on course, you will learn how to get a site up quickly, how to refine it with the right design, how to add new content quickly, and how to format pictures for the best impact. Continue reading “1-Hour Website Course: Feb. 28”

Computer Security Update

How to Protect Yourself from
Viruses, Worms, Hackers and
Other Computer Lowlife

Greenwich Library, Greenwich, CT
Monday, February 12, 2018, 2:00 pm

Computer Hacker: Learn how to protect yourself
Computer hacking has become an all too frequent topic in today’s news reports. It is more necessary than ever that we protect ourselves from the many threats that currently exist and that are sure to arrive in the future.

In this course, you will learn about the various computer viruses and worms that can afflict your computer, smartphone and other equipment. You will hear how hackers can guess passwords for bank accounts or spy on baby monitor cameras. More important, you will learn several valuable safeguards and best practices that can keep your computers and your data safe.

Rich Malloy, M.B.A., works as a computer consultant at Tech Help Today, based in Greenwich, CT.  He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Norwalk Community College, where he teaches computer applications.  He is a Microsoft-certified Expert in Excel and Word.  Previously Rich served as Executive Editor of Byte magazine and Editor in Chief of Mobile Computing magazine.

Upcoming Courses

Here is a list of my training courses that will be available here in southwest Connecticut in the Spring of 2018. If you are not in the area, and would like further information on these subjects, please let me know.

— Rich Malloy


Course Date Location
Computer Security Update Feb. 12, 2:00 pm Greenwich Library
One-Hour Website Feb. 28, 6:00 pm NCC
Advanced Excel Mar. 21, 6:00 pm NCC
Microsoft Access Apr. 2, 6:00 pm NCC

NCC = Norwalk Community College

1-Hour Website Course: Oct. 12

The next session of my 1-Hour Website mini-course will start on Thursday, Oct. 12.
WordPress Transp is the fastest and least expensive way to get a professional looking website up and running. No programming language is involved. Join thousands of photographers, bloggers and  small businesses creating new WordPress sites each day. In this hands-on course, you will learn how to get a site up quickly, how to refine it with the right design, how to add new content quickly, and how to format pictures for the best impact. Continue reading “1-Hour Website Course: Oct. 12”

Create Your First Website

WordPress logoThat’s right. You can create your own website. And the amazing thing is that it won’t even cost you anything! What makes such a thing possible? Why, WordPress, of course.

In an earlier post we talked about how you can set up an account at WordPress. Now I’ll show in step-by-step detail how you can create a real website. The site is a simple training site, but the skills you will learn will enable you to create your own site that can help promote your business or make your mark on the world.

Click here for the complete instructions in PDF form.

Excel Charts: Tip Sheet & Exercise File


Chart_collage_2The Charts & Graphs feature of Microsoft Excel is one of the app’s most popular features. With a few mouse clicks, you can create an decent chart. With a few more, you can create a really impressive one.

To help you create charts, we have put together a handy one-page Tips Sheet and an exercise file showing the three most popular types of charts.

How to Set up a WordPress Account

WordPress logoThe easiest way to create a website is to use WordPress, but before you can use WordPress, you must first set up an account. Don’t worry – it’s free, and you only have to do it once. Plus, once you set up your account, you’ll have the foundation of your first website already finished.

Click here to get a PDF file with complete and easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up an account and start work on your first website. In the next post we’ll show how you can turn this site into one you could be proud of.